3 Reasons for Divorce in The Bible

3 Reasons for Divorce in The Bible

Even though the Bible does not encourage married individuals to consider divorce, some exceptions are considered extreme in the Bible. Below are 3 reasons for divorce in the Bible, and surprisingly, they revolve around sexual immorality.

3 Reasons for Divorce in The Bible

1. Adultery:

In the book of Mathew, the Bible cites adultery as one of the core reasons for divorce. To quote the Bible in the Book of Matthew 5:32, it says, “But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery” (NIV).

This Bible verse has been interpreted differently by different people. Some presume the Bible condemns divorce, while others presume it allows divorce in some extreme exceptional cases.

Adultery is also mentioned in Matthew 19:9 when Jesus was answering questions about divorce to Pharisees. Precisely, Jesus was answering a question from one of the Pharisees who was inquiring about divorce as commanded to them by Moses. The scripture says, “I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”

2. Abandonment:

Abandonment is the second among the 3 reasons for divorce in the Bible. A married man or woman may abandon their spouse without proof of divorce. In such a case, the Bible says that the marriage bondage ceases to exist, and a brother and a sister may get a divorce and are free to remarry.

This is in 1 Corinthians 7:15, and I quote, “But if the unbeliever leaves, let it be so. The brother or the sister is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in peace.”

Again, this is yet another highly debated Bible verse. Some people are of the opinion that it contradicts Mathew 19:9, in which Jesus only gave one exception when a divorce may be considered, this being adultery.

Others believe this Bible verse supports divorce in case of desertion. Those of this opinion argue that the bondage this Bible verse discusses is the union of marriage.

3. Death:

Death is the third among the 3 reasons for divorce in the Bible. This is a reason cited for women when they may consider divorce from their husbands. Death as a cause of divorce is mentioned in Romans 7:2. The Bible Says, “For example, by law a married woman is bound to her husband as long as he is alive, but if her husband dies, she is released from the law that binds her to him.”

Impacts of Divorce

1. Weakening of bondage between parents and children

Some people separate and co-parent effectively and ensure their children do not ever feel a gap between one of these parents. Others are unable to co-parent peacefully. It may happen in cases where a divorce is chaotic. One spouse may abandon their children altogether, hence weakening the parent-children bond.

2. It’s costly

A divorce can cost parents their money more if it’s highly contested. Since they cannot agree on the terms of their divorce and co-parenting, they spend more than they would have spent on uncontested divorce cases.

If parents were business partners, they might be unable to continue doing business together. The loss of partnership may result in such business ventures collapsing, and parents involved losing an income stream.

3. Lower living standards

If parents complimented each other’s lifestyle, one would often struggle to maintain their previous lifestyle when the other withdraws. For instance, a wife who depended on her husband for a fair part of her livelihood may lose the lifestyle she enjoyed with her husband.

Before spouses in a marriage union consider divorce, they should consider a guide from a marriage counselor. This can help them navigate and understand what the larger picture of divorce means and its implications.

Parents seeking for a separation should know what divorce will mean to the lives of their children, their finances, and other areas of interest.

It is also important to understand the cultural and religious implications of divorce. Since cultural and religious beliefs may affect how one processes their divorce mentally, seeking a professional’s guidance may be helpful.

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